Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My true spiritual bearings.

Rome is too busy. Too hectic. Too fast-paced. For me. Overrun by tourists. And Romans. Crowds. Throngs. Almost everywhere one goes. Except that my Italian true love and I miraculously sauntered into a quiet, off-the-beaten track enclave/neighborhood. Not far from all of the hustle and bustle. A small triangular-shaped space with three well-weathered wooden park benches. One vacant bench. Waiting for us. I could have sat there all day. Albeit, it was only for an hour or so of peace and quiet and solitude. The triangle was surrounded by quaint four- and five-storey pastel colored apartment buildings. With shuttered windows. Just where I’d want to live if I were stuck in Rome. The lone business at one corner was a trattoria (tavern) serving food. To my regret, we didn’t enter. Because it wasn’t yet time to eat or drink. A foolish notion. Anyway, I thanked the gods for steering us to this tiny out-of-the-way paradise. Unfortunately, we were too soon back on the beaten track. Even all the way to the Vatican. Where, to our surprise, the pope himself addressed the multitudes in St. Peter’s Square, or whatever it’s called. The pope was high up on a balcony. Within range of my telephoto lens. But I was less than inspired by the presence of Pope Benedict or the dynamics of the Vatican buildings and the religious artifacts and relics. I wished for a return to the quiet neighborhood. The highlight of my day wasn't the pope or St. Peter's. I’ll always fondly remember that neighborhood. I could well forget ever seeing the pope and the Vatican. Guess that makes me sound like an unappreciative heathen. But hey, makes me better understand my true spiritual bearings. –Jim Broede

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