Friday, November 25, 2011

They weren't space invaders.

Thought I saw two space invaders when I was out walking the other day. Looked like they were donned in space suits. Complete with helmets. Bulky white suits. From top to bottom. Boots, too. Turns out they were weed cutters for the city of Carbonia in Sardinia. Where workers are protected. With interesting apparel. I didn't see any danger. They weren't using chemicals. Merely hand-held, gas-powered whirling weed cutters. The kind that I use in my yard back home in Minnesota. Without bothering with the space suit and helmet. My Italian true love tells me the space suits are meant to protect the workers from flying weeds and allergies. I find that nice. But it was a warm day. And my guess is the workers sweated profusely in those suits. But they got the job done. Magnificently. Maybe a mile-long stretch along a tree-lined boulevard. They weren't space-invaders after all. --Jim Broede

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