Sunday, December 11, 2011

About these ancient times.

I'll have lived in ancient times. Eventually. Give it time. And the year 2011 will be ancient. Very ancient. I have long dreamed of living in ancient times. As far back as prehistoric times. I imagine that some day, my existing moment will have been a million years ago. So if I'm still around in spirit then, I can brag about being around when Barack Obama was president of a country called the USA. My guess is that humanity will have progressed considerably by then. Maybe we humans will have evolved into something far better. I would hope so. But it's also possible that something cataclysmic happened. Wiping out all traces of life on Earth. Or maybe Earth disintegrated. But so what? If I'm spirit, I don't need an Earth. I can go settle some place else. In a spiritual dimension. Somewhat similar to god's abode, I suppose. Maybe we spirits will actually be living with god. And we can reminisce about the good old times on Mother Earth. Or maybe we'll conclude they weren't so good. I'll try to keep an open mind. About these ancient times. --Jim Broede

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