Sunday, December 11, 2011

A goat, doing his part at clean-up.

I've learned to cut across country where I'm living in Sardinia. Doesn't matter if it's private property. If I see no signs to keep out, I enter vacant land. Better than taking sidewalks or well-worn paths. And usually, it gets me away from people. Into the hinterlands. And I see all sorts of things. Like today. A dilapidated stone building. If I had an unlimited supply of money, I'd buy the place. And restore it. I also find dumps. Italian open dumps. Willy-nilly. Everywhere. Used to be that way in the USA. Where I grew up in Wisconsin. People threw stuff away. Randomly. We Americans have pretty much cleaned up our act. Better enforcement. And more personal care about the environment. The Italians are about a half century behind us. Scraps of metal strewn all over the place. A rusted bathtub. A tangle of wires. A pile of old tires. Garbage. Beer bottles. I see it all. But I also see flowers, shrubs, cacti, trees, rolling fields, grazing sheep. I also spotted a goat. Munching on a discarded carpet. Doing his part to clean up the environment. --Jim Broede

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