Saturday, December 10, 2011

Good for the nose.

My big nose is feeling pretty good these days. And I'm giving the credit to the Sardinian climate. It's been near-perfect since I arrived the first of October. No need to heat our place. Or to air-condition it. The temperature has been ideal. Can't ask for it to be any better. If I were back in Minnesota, the furnace would be on morning, noon and night. Which makes for terribly dry air. And that ain't good for the nasal membranes. I keep reminding Sardinians that they are blessed to live in Sardinia. But some of 'em don't buy it. They say the economy is bad, bad, bad. Hard to make a living. But at least they can breathe good air. Life here is good for the nose. If not the pocketbook. --Jim Broede

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