Sunday, January 8, 2012

I say what's on my mind.

I've just read comments from an Alzheimer's care-giver. And she claims to be 'forced' to do so very many things she doesn't want to do. And it's making her life unhappy and miserable. Guess she feels trapped. With no way out. I'm not sure what advice to give. If any. Maybe I should just ignore making a reply. But that ain't me. I'll even risk alienating the woman. By encouraging her to find life alternatives. Maybe something as little as an attitude adjustment. So that she doesn't feel forced. So that she becomes more accepting of her plight. Even to the point of feeling happy. By savoring some aspects of her life. Because it can't be all bad. Easy for me to do that. Because I'm relatively happy with life. Even joyous at times. I often try to cheer up someone in depression. And it doesn't work. Maybe it even does more harm than good. Makes 'em pissed. But still, I do it. Over and over again. Makes me seem like a mean bastard. But I like to practice psychotherapy. In my own amateurish way. Because I have an attitude. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I take risks. With myself. With other people. I say what's on my mind. --Jim Broede

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