Friday, January 27, 2012

I'd rather be my own leader.

My Italian true love is a teacher. And she's toying with creation of a provocative new course. About how people enslave themselves. By following a leader. More or less without questioning. Just going along. As followers. With little rhyme or reason. Other than they seem comfortable being enslaved. Rather than free to make their own choices. Though enslavement, I suppose, is a choice. Maybe a stupid one. But nevertheless, a choice. There are many examples. Take the dictator that reigned so many years in North Korea. Until he died recently. North Koreans revered him. Sort of like a god. And I see now that the North Koreans have consulted with the Russians. For advice on how to preserve their dead leader's body. Similar to Lenin's. So the body can be on display. And worshipped. Funny, isn't it? For people to allow themselves to be enslaved. By a dictator. By a monarch. By an individual leader. Almost in an unquestioned way. Anyway, so many ways to be enslaved. Voluntarily. Such as by addiction. To alcohol or other drugs. Of course, I consider myself addicted. To love. And to physical and mental exercise. But one thing, you won't ever find me addicted/enslaved to a leader. Especially a politician. I'd rather be my own leader. --Jim Broede

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