Saturday, January 28, 2012

Slowly but surly.

I feel sort of stupid (stupido in Italian) here in Italy because I don't speak more than a few words of Italian. Maybe that's the biggest drawback of living here. But I try to compensate. By cultivating Italian acquaintances and friends that speak English. Better than nothing. And usually, they are well-educated. And very conversant. This may not be a good cross-section of Italians. But hey, situations in life aren't perfect. It'd be nice if everyone spoke a common language. But that won't ever happen. Meanwhile, it's best to make the best of every situation. And that's what I'm trying to do. Fortunately, my Italian true love speaks fluent English. Little wonder. She teaches English and English literature. Anyway, it's another indication that I take advantage of opportunities. Especially golden opportunities. And believe me, she's more than golden. She's a priceless gem. It's because of her that I'm in Italy. The fact that I've found her and cultivated this wonderful relationship shows that I'm really not so stupid. Even though I feel stupid because of the language barrier. The thing is, I've reached the age at which it's difficult to learn a new language. But I'm gonna try. Harder and harder. And when I return later this year, I intend to surprise my Italian friends with an improved mastery of their language. Though it still won't be proficient. Maybe it's because I'm a little bit lazy (pigro in Italian). I don't know which is worse. Being stupid or lazy. Could be I'm something of both. But there's one good thing about it all. My true love is spurring me on. Teaching me the Italian ways. Even the language. Slowly but surely. --Jim Broede

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