Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm very content. And in love.

It's the winter of my content. Never have I been more content. Because I'm spending the winter with my Italian true love. In Sardinia. I've always wanted to be content. And for the most part, I've been content with life. For almost all of my 76 years. I don't like everything that's going on in the world. I'd change some things. If only I had the power and ability. But I don't. So I've learned to retreat to my cocoon. With my true love. And that makes me content. I live one day at a time. And try to make the most and best of each day. Can't do much more than that. I walk. Twelve miles today. I write. My blog. And maybe a love letter. And I chat and dine with my true love. She's talking of us taking the train tomorrow into Cagliari, the capitol city of Sardinia. Where we'd go shopping. I've promised to buy her a nifty Italian-made walking shoe. Because I want to encourage her to walk more. And we'll have lunch or dinner at a restaurant. Good Italian food. And maybe we'll sit at the Mediterranean seashore. Or visit the botantical garden. Especially if it's a sunny day. And I'll tell my true love, 'You know, sweetheart, I'm very content. And in love.' --Jim Broede

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