I came across this wonderful blog today, titled 'Anything Jim Broede won't print.' It's a fascinating blog. Funny. Funny. Funny. Worth reading. For the humorous content. So stimulating. To turn back the clock two or three years. Used to be that people despised me. But maybe it was all a put-on. Tongue-in-cheek. Meant for good laughs. Anyway, they (the funny contributors) all seem to have gone away. But thanks for the fond and funny memories. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
This blog is for anyone who wants to respond to any of Jim Broede's comments. If you have followed him you know he will not post any response that doesn't agree with his. So here you can say what you want.
Posted by 'Anything Jim Broede won't print' at 5:43 PM
Anonymous Nov 27, 2009 10:36 AM
Funny how jimbo has blocked his "Broede Bugle" (My German ancestral research blog.)
Anonymous Nov 28, 2009 08:46 AM
It probably rotted.
Anonymous Nov 28, 2009 12:30 PM
Making an adventure.
'I keep discovering things. Such as music. And love. Yes, new concepts. Of emotion. And feeling. And intellect. And I try to put all my discoveries together. Into something coherent. Meaningful. I call it feeling my way. Through life. Lately, I've been thinking out loud. In this thing called a blog. Written words. Random thoughts. Whatever comes to mind. And lo and behold, I get reactions. From others. But even from myself. Because one thing always seems to lead to another. A chain reaction. And often I don't know where I'm going. Which makes all this an adventure.' --Jim Broede
He keeps discovering things? Love?? Thought he was in love with Jeanne. Feelings? He has any??
Anonymous Nov 29, 2009 04:21 PM
Clearly Jim is on a fishing expedition.
'Yes, I really am Jim Broede. I don't hide behind pseudonyms. Or facades. I'm accessible. I can be reached. Touched. Conversed with. I can be perceived as sane. Or crazy. But overall, I'm a nice guy. Kind. Cruel, too, in some ways. Because I don't always think about how I affect people. And they allow themselves to be affected. Negatively. Positively. Often, that's their choice. Not mine. Anyway, I keep coming to the same basic conclusion. Life is wonderful.' --Jim Broede
He feels good about his cruel remarks and using them at the expense of others feelings. Trying to turn the tables insiting that if everyone just followed him life would be merely a amusment park. He lives in his self-centered, shallow life.
Anonymous Nov 29, 2009 04:24 PM
Mr. Narcissist. Narcissism is a pattern of selfishness and self-centeredness that, in the extreme, can be a psychological condition called narcissistic personality disorder. People with narcissistic personality disorder lack a healthy emotional core. They are driven by a moment-to-moment monitoring of their worth. Since they find it difficult to provide self-worth, they seek it from external sources. They must be "right" or the center of attention; their relationships, possessions, or careers must be "the best" and "special." As in the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his reflection, narcissistic people are in love with their image and consequently see flaws as mortal sins.
The same basic conclusion.
'I think I'm different. Because I think out loud. Right here. In this blog. Oh, I call it broodings. Maybe just because it sounds good. Good illiteration. I don't know what I'm gonna think of next. I'll just let it come. One does that. When one literally thinks out loud. That's why I could get up on stage. The stage of life. And never shut up. Because I just let it flow. Whatever comes, comes. I'm never at a loss for words. Maybe that's why I make a fool of myself. I just let myself be. A fool. Or whatever I am at the moment. But that's how I discover myself. By just being. Some people think I'm stupid. And hey, I am. But I'm intelligent, too. A little bit of lots of things. But mainly, I'm a romantic idealist. A free-thinker. A liberal. A lover. I have no doubt about it. Because that's genuinely what I wanna be. And so I am. Yes, I really am Jim Broede. I don't hide behind pseudonyms. Or facades. I'm accessible. I can be reached. Touched. Conversed with. I can be perceived as sane. Or crazy. But overall, I'm a nice guy. Kind. Cruel, too, in some ways. Because I don't always think about how I affect people. And they allow themselves to be affected. Negatively. Positively. Often, that's their choice. Not mine. Anyway, I keep coming to the same basic conclusion. Life is wonderful.' --Jim Broede
Clearly a fishing expedition
Anonymous Dec 1, 2009 06:33 AM
oh geeze, now he is asking for saribet's mailing address. DON'T DO IT GIRL! what a perv!
Anonymous Dec 1, 2009 11:10 AM
Sadly he feels the need for personal email addresses. I give my personal email to friends not just anyone on the net. I pretty much have to know the person well enough to trust them first. In NO WAY would I trust jimbo
Anonymous Dec 2, 2009 06:30 PM
He actually asked for her "postal mail address". Spooky.
Anonymous Dec 26, 2009 07:33 PM
I see he is still virtually ignored on the (Alzheimer) message boards. His posts are to no one in particular. Just wandering around.
Anonymous Dec 27, 2009 09:26 AM
Most of us older visitors to that site no (sic) what he is like. The newer ones are quickly seeing his true colors quickly.
Anonymous Dec 28, 2009 10:00 PM
What is with all his "God" crap! I wish someone would set it straight. He is such a liar! He sounds all "holier-than-thou". GIVE ME A BREAK. God should strike him down.
Anonymous Dec 29, 2009 02:23 PM
in "Teaching me how to love"
12/29/09 4:40pm
You really should keep this trash out of the AZ message boards.
in "God: It's okay to be mischievous"
12/29/09 5:21pm
Well I, for one, am glad you get some amusement from your interactions here. Too bad, you don't get some wisdom out of it. You are a pastime; a diversion; a nonsensical amusement. You are like the little ball, hanging from a stick, which we dangle in front of our cats.
A "price they've gotta pay"??? As if any of this means one inkling, to anyone who posts here, once we close the page?? As if you really effect anyone??? As if ANYONE really cares if you are right or wrong?? What difference does it make, in anyone's but your life??
"Take 'em on"???? HaHa, you couldn't handle that, in the real world.
As for your references to God: pure TWADDLE. Your "god" is some made-up creature, of your own mind, to suit only your needs. "Broede's god", as you have referred to him. Anyone who knows the true God, knows this is rubbish, that you print. Solely for the purpose of getting a response from anyone. I beg to correct you--you HAVE declared yourself "god-like", and put yourself right up there, with YOUR "god".
" And invariably he tells me to do the kind thing, the loving thing. And that if it involves other people, I’m supposed to give the others the benefit of the doubt. And not to be too judgmental." So, you really pay attention to your "god"? AND, he/she/it approves just the opposite? Just proves he/she/it is all make-believe.
Don't stress yourself, telling me to "lighten up". As I said, no one even thinks about all of this, one we close the page.
Anonymous Dec 30, 2009 06:24 PM
In:""A sad state of affairs."
"I've known care-givers in worse mental shape than their patients. And I've let it be known. That maybe they ought to get out of care-giving. Because they could be doing more harm than good. To the patient. And to themselves. "
12/30/09 9:22pm
And yet, the one caregiver who is in a near desperate situation; whose mother seems in danger, you tell her she is "doing a good job". Why didn't you tell HER? Why aren't you protecting her patient? Seems you dropped the ball on that one. Gave up too easily, big, brave boy.
Anonymous Dec 31, 2009 02:59 PM
JB won't print anything that criticizes his activities at the AA (Alzheimer Association) forum.
Anonymous Jan 2, 2010 08:06 AM
If Mr. Broede was as aware as he tries to make us believe, he would know that there is help for caregivers. Much more help than just telling everyone that everything will be great with "just" good vibes. There are ofganizations that have volunteers, there are many respite centers, there are many daycare centers. Not everyone has made themselves live in a bubble with no friends or family. If a caregiver states its been a exhausting day, Jim jumps on them with both feet. "You crackpot, you are harming your loved one" All untrue. Everyone has ups and downs. A nursing home (like he did) are not always the answer. Many nursing homes are NOT the answer. With the cost of a home being (normally) over $5000.00 a month. Would that cost the loved one a even bigger amount of stress? Then we have owners of nursing homes that only operate for a profit, causing the aides to work for min. wage. Turn over for most nursing homes is very high. (fact). Alz. unlike something like cancer one can live a very long time. Most die from pneumonia, does that have to do with the caregiver?
Anonymous Jan 2, 2010 03:48 PM
I see he printed yours..here's my second one...he didn't print the first.
In "A sad state of affairs."
"The volunteers would work for free. People like me."
People LIKE you, but NOT you. Why don't you make it your personal goal, to get off your behind, and DO something! You are so quick to judge and patronize. You build a complete scenario from a glimpse in someone's day.
Do you KNOW someone who is harming their loved one? Have you offered to find services for someone? Have you EVER volunteered? Hey, why don't you go back to your newspaper, and write a column-for free-about services available to caregivers. Why don't you take a piece of your precious leisure, and post some resources you can find on the internet? Why don't you post that helpful information in the message boards?
BTW, I am not the anonymous above. That anonymoous is correct-there ARE services in almost every community, if one seeks them out. You cannot get help, unless you ask for it. Unfortunately, some caregivers are sooo consumed with caregiving, they have no time to find help.
But YOU. YOU have the resources, and TIME, to assist, if you cared to do so.
Anonymous Jan 2, 2010 04:12 PM
IN: "Let's call it a crime, and not war."
Whatever YOU want to call it, those who perform(or even attempt) acts of terror, which instill fear into virtual the entire nation, should be dealt with much more severely than a murderer. These are NOT the same crimes. This idiot's mission wasn't to simply kill everyone on board the plane. His mission was to TERRORIZE ALL AMERICANS, i.e., "create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress."
"Chances are...", "Quite possibly..." aren't good enough for me. If the guy gets caught with the bomb in his underwear, or shoe, or wherever, lock'em up. He has no rights. He gave them up, the minute he decided to kill himself and hundreds of innocent American citizens with him.
The only way we are to keep from falling victims to these terrorists, is to believe that our Government is going to act swiftly, and severely.
Anonymous Jan 2, 2010 04:16 PM
IN "The nicest of my random thoughts."
Have you ever, ever, EVER thought that you have a purpose to anyone else, but yourself? That you are here to affect someone else's life, and not to just make sure "Jim" has a wonderful day, or life??
Even with your wife, it seemed like it was all about how good YOU were made to feel, by whatever you were doing.
Anonymous Jan 2, 2010 05:52 PM
IN: "A sad state of affairs."
That's right, all for YOU, YOU, YOU. Stroke, stroke, stroke. That's what makes your writings about others needing help so hypocritical. You are only interested in helping yourself.
Anonymous Jan 2, 2010 05:55 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it is good, that you are able to function on your own, with little interaction with the outside world. Good for everyone. Hey, good for the common good, right?
Anonymous Jan 6, 2010 03:38 PM
Seems like jimmy crackpipe is beginning to let everyone what an ass he is. I think he is finally gone over the edge.
Jim Broede Jan 30, 2012 12:49 AM
I came across this wonderful blog today. It's a fascinating blog. Worth reading. I like this kind of interchange. So stimulating. Keep up the good work. I'd like to see the comments double, triple, quadruple. I'm savoring this blog. You've made my day. I like the attention. --Jim Broede.
P.S. No kidding. It's really me. I'm in love with life. And living with my Italian true love at the moment. In Sardinia. Hope you all are still reading my blog. By the way, Jeanne died 5 years ago. On Jan. 18, 2007. I miss her dearly. Though she's still alive. In spirit. She taught me how to live and love.
Monday, January 30, 2012
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