Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ain't gonna get any warmer.

I may have experienced my first freezing temperature in Sardinia. And it took the better part of two winters here for that to happen. Last night. When I was out walking. Down Via Gramsci, the palm-tree-lined main drag in Carbonia. A digital thermomenter showed a reading of zero degrees celsius. The equivalent of 32 degrees fahrenheit. But up the road a ways, another digital thermometer showed 4 degrees. Which am I to believe? Anyway, it felt like the coldest night I ever spent in Sardinia. And we don't have central heating in the house. So it was nice to sleep under a down-filled comforter. And I'm wearing a jacket while I write this the next day. Knowing full well that on Friday I'm returning to Minnesota. And it ain't gonna get any warmer. --Jim Broede

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