Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Life is full of surprises.

My biggest regret is that I didn't learn more of the Italian language during my autumn/winter in Sardinia. And it's my fault. I should have put forth more effort. Such as spending at least an hour a day practicing Italian. But my intentions are good. Upon returning to the U.S. on Friday, I'm gonna spend an hour daily on Rosetta Stone, a practical way of learning Italian. So that when I return in September, I'll be better at Italian. I'll never be fluent. But hey, I can do better. It's a nice language. I like the rhythm. Though some of the pronunciations leave me tongue-twisted. Seems to me that it's a passionate language. One reason for all the arm and hand gestures. One gets carried away speaking Italian. My Italian true love speaks good English. And I owe it to her to speak more Italian. Just wish I had started sooner. Like when I was 5 years old. But I didn't know until four years ago that I was gonna have an Italian true love. And that I'd be living in Sardinia for half of the year. Shows that life is full of surprises. --Jim Broede

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