Monday, February 27, 2012

The way I look at life.

Funny. In that it's a constant battle for some people. To stop worrying. Seems to me they are natural born worriers. They worry about making ends meet, financially. They worry about someone breaking into their home. They worry about losing their job. They worry about the sky falling. Of course, I'm being funny, too. Maybe I'm exaggerating their proclivity to worry. Because I see humor in it all. They must forgive me if I laugh. Here I am. Seeing many of the worriers as blessed individuals. With good lives. With friends. With decent health. Good looks. A brain. A reasonable amount of security. Living in nice environs. I know. I know. I know. Their lives could be better. As could everyone's life. But their lives ain't bad. Far from it. I think of many of 'em as unique. And blessed. And still, they worry. Needlessly. About calamities that will never occur. There's a cure for all this worrying. Make the most of today. Start living a day at a time. Don't get too far ahead of one's self. Because if they do that, they stumble across reasons to worry. They'll worry themselves sick. So let's stick with today. Monday. Everything is gonna be okay. No need to worry. At least until tomorrow. That's the way I look at life. --Jim Broede

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