Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Give me sweet dreams, please.

Not everyone feels the pulse beat of life. They are ornery. Unhappy. Bedeviled. Angry. Yes, even hateful. Describes the Republican hopefuls for president. What a shame. If one of 'em becomes president. Scary thought, isn't it? That's what they wanna be. So that they can bitch and rail. And foist their distorted views of life on the rest of us. Make the rich richer. And the poor poorer. No empathy for anybody but the rich. Filthy, greedy capitalists. One and all. Self-annointed pious Christians. Hypocritical. That stuff flowing from their mouthes. Catch the stench. Yes, it's bull shit. If they get elected, it'll be another sign of a nation in decline. The very fact that many of us tolerate the lies and deceit. That's awful enough. Let's hope that they are only trying to take over America. Not the rest of Mother Earth. That allows us other places to go. To flee from hell. But then, I'm thinking, this is all a nightmare. I'm gonna wake up. And breathe a sigh of relief. Yes, it was a nightmare. And I can begin to dream again. Sweet dreams. --Jim Broede

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