Monday, February 27, 2012

Santorum's right to be a jack-ass.

Rick Santorum has no business running for public office. And especially president of the USA. He'd make a gawd-awful president. Just as he made a gawd-awful U.S. senator from Pennsylvania. Little wonder that he lost his reelection bid by 18 points. Because he was even worse than gawd-awful. Because he's a nincompoop. And a religious bigot. He wants to require people to think like he thinks on spiritual and religious and moral and political matters. Which makes him a jack-ass. It's all right for Rick to be a jack-ass. If that's what he wants to be. Go for it, Rick. But don't expect the rest of us to follow in your hoof-prints. Just find yourself a little corral and prance around. Like a jack-ass. That's your right and privilege. But to expect the rest of us to be jack-asses -- well, that's asking too much. You tell us that you want to do away with public education. And to put the emphasis on home schooling. Which is what you did with your children. Again, that's all right. For you and your children. Guess you have the right to bring them up as jack-asses. Though I question whether that's the right and moral thing to do. But don't stop the rest of us from taking advantage of public education. Rick also tells us that Barack Obama has a 'false theology,' that he isn't the right kind of Christian, and maybe not even a Christian at all. But that ain't your business, Rick. Leave Obama be Obama. He probably prefers that over being a jack-ass. I'm sure that Obama respects your right to be a jack-ass. Show him the same courtesy. The right to be a good and decent president. --Jim Broede

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