Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ever so slow.

My Italian true love tells me that in Europe the other day there was a celebration. An observance of a 'slow day.' Europeans were being encouraged to slow the pace of their living. At least for 24 hours. To consciously slow down. To work more slowly. To walk more slowly. To think more slowly. To breathe more slowly. And I thought, how wonderful. And that I have been observing 'slow time' for a long, long time. For years. Ever since I retired in 1998. I keep getting slower and slower every year. Making a day last longer than 24 hours. By savoring the precious moments. I avoid getting ahead of myself. I even lose track of time. It's as if I can almost make time stop. And to think, I used to hurry. As if life were a race. When really life was always meant to be slow. Ever so slow. --Jim Broede

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