Friday, March 30, 2012

Pompous Ass Scalia.

I'm no longer calling Supreme Court Justice Scalia a justice. Instead, I've tagged him Pompous Ass Scalia. Because I want to show him utter disrespect. The guy is a very pompous pompous ass. Of course, Scalia probably thinks of me in the same vein. As a pompous ass. So if he calls me Pompous Ass Broede -- well, that's all right with me. Scalia has the right to treat me the same way that I treat him. As an ass. Scalia is really a pompous ass politician. Seems to me that he has a 100 percent conservative political agenda. I'm assuming that Scalia will vote to find Obamacare unconstitutional because it's gonna mandate that everybody buys health insurance. That'll spread out the cost of providing health care to everyone. Making health care more affordable. By keeping the costs lower than if only the sick/ill bought insurance. But Scalia argues that such a mandate puts the federal government on a slippery slope. That the next thing you know, Congress will mandate that everyone buy broccoli. Because it's good for one's health. That's an absurd hypothetical premise. But then, asses tend to be absurd. And Pompous Ass Scalia is no exception to the rule. --Jim Broede

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