Saturday, March 31, 2012

I never feel alone.

Interesting. How some friends come and go. We lose touch. Maybe because of geographic separation. But for other reasons, too. We don't take time to write to each other. Or call. And as for me, I usually am focused almost entirely on my true love. I've had two of 'em in a lifetime. Which ain't bad. Some people go through life without a true love. Or it just lasts for a short time. But my true loves last until death do us part. And that sustains me. Maybe that's the reason I can live without multiple friends. Though I do tend to cultivate a handful of friends. People I genuinely like. And they seem to like me. But it takes a two-way effort to stay in touch. Sometimes, it's my fault. Other times, it's their fault. When it comes to long-lasting, lifetime true love, there's always dual effort. That's why it lasts. Anyway, I've discovered that I have to be in love. Always. Preferably with someone. But if there isn't someone, I always find something. Nature and the great outdoors, for instance. And exercise. And with places. And with words. Meaningful words. That's why I write. Daily. Often, just to myself. Yes, I have internal conversations. Including some with god, himself. Therefore, I never feel alone. --Jim Broede

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