Saturday, March 10, 2012

A downright immoral situation.

The world needs more government. Not less government. Now that we are in the age of a global economy. Maybe we need a world government. To look out for the common good. Seems as if the private sector -- mainly business corporations -- are focused on the indivdiual good. On making a relatively few people rich. And that tends to widen the gap between the rich and the poor. Boils down to a moral issue. On whether it's more important to serve the common good. On what's best for society as a whole. Not what's best for a few select individuals. I have nothing against a society of some rich people and some relatively poor people. But not the current severe gap that we have now in America and the rest of the world. I don't want the masses of humanity exploited for the benefit of the rich. For instance, it seems grossly immoral to allow the American conglomerate Alcoa to reap annual profits of $21 billion at the same time that it pays workers wages of $6 per hour. That's obscene. The exploiting of the labor force. Yes, it's true that Alcoa is able to recruit immigrants to work for such low wages. But that doesn't make it right. I want a global government to be able to step in -- to establish rules of fairness. Because most businesses are unwilling to do the right thing on their own. Greed too often trumps the common good in a capitalist-oriented global economy. Unfortunately, business interests have gained the upperhand in the global economy. Big business has waged a successful campaign against government intervention. Business has long advocated a free econony. To allow private enterprise to thrive without hard and fast rules. Therefore, we need regulations. That should be the role of government. To serve the common good. To protect the interests of the common man and the common woman. Until that happens, we'll have an economy with an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. A situation that's downright immoral. --Jim Broede

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