Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nice to be a citizen of the world.

While walking a trail in the Sonora Desert, thought I heard a couple speaking German. Took a while for me to swing into action. My curiosity finally got the better of me. 'Are you German?' I asked. Sure enough. From Koln/Cologne. Retired. And apparently well off. Because they purchased a condominium. In Arizona. And spend two months (winter) there. But they confess to being homesick. Looking forward to returning to Germany. They miss their grandchildren. He has a white goatee beard. They both speak good English. With nice German accents. We talked about Germany. And Sardinia. They've been to Sardinia. And they love the place. I consider it Paradise. They know that Sardinia is the home of my Italian true love. And that I recently returned to America after spending autumn/winter in Sardinia. They know, too, that my paternal grandfather was an illegal immigrant. From Germany. He sneaked into the U.S. around 1900. A godsend for me. Otherwise, I would not have been born. Anyway, the German couple made my day. Reminding me that I'm a citizen of the world. Some days, I feel like a German. Other days, like an Italian gentleman. And to think, I'm also an American. Yes, it's a nice feeling. To be a citizen of the world. --Jim Broede

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