Thursday, March 29, 2012

Scares the hell out of me.

I like to live part of every day with my tongue firmly planted in cheek. To not take everything so very seriously. And I don't always want people to know the position of my tongue. Whether I'm joking, or not. Keep 'em guessing. Because it's entertaining. Watching people figure out how to take me. Fact is, I can be serious at one moment. And joking the next. That's how I keep my sanity. By laughing. A whole lot. Especially when I'm expected to be serious. At a funeral, for instance. I like to lighten things up. No sense in being totally tearful. I find that most people have lived funny lives. And so that's what I try to recall. The funny stuff. Of course, many of these people have thought of themselves as serious. They seldom smiled or laughed. But that's exactly what made them most funny. Their serious natures. Occasionally, I find myself taking life too seriously. I start to act like a Republican. And that scares the hell out of me. So I waste no time getting back on the left track. --Jim Broede

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