Thursday, March 29, 2012

Racists are everywhere.

I try not to be judgmental. But I don't always succeed. Fact is, I am judgmental. At least occasionally. I tend to be judgmental of people that I think are racists. When maybe they aren't. Don't always know for sure. And I act on my suspicions. For instance, that guy Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. The one that shot and killed a black youth. I've jumped to a conclusion that he's a racist. I have a gut feeling about it. And I'm judging him without complete evidence. Because I've lived in the South. In Florida. A long time ago. During the big civil rights push in the 1960s. And I knew many racists then. No doubt about it. Of course, Florida may have changed a whole lot since then. But still, I sense that racism is still prevalent. Not only in Florida. But all over America. Even in Minnesota. Where I live now. Because I talk to people. About race. About their views. Their opinions. And they're racists. In my judgment. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm being too judgmental. But still, I think that many, many Republicans are racists. They don't like Obama because he's black. They won't openly admit it. They may even be lying to themselves. Many of 'em won't even concede that Obama was born in America. And many of 'em even think he's a Muslim. They're either plain downright stupid. Or racists. Seems to me that they can't be that stupid. So I conclude in my judgmental way that they are racists. I look upon them with judgmental disdain. The fact that Obama got elected. That says something positive about America. An indication maybe that most Americans aren't racists. But still, there are hordes of racists in America. Among far right wing conservatives. Among many of the Tea Party faithful. Among religious zealots. Especially among Christian fundamentalists. I'm acquainted with racists. Have been. All my life. I even have racist relatives. Some of my best friends are racists. It's impossible to avoid racists. They are everywhere. The world will never be free of racists. Or of judgmental people like me. --Jim Broede

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