Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two kinds of richness.

I'm more pro-government than anti-government. And I'm more anti-business than pro-business. Yes, our society's salvation is in government. Because government was created to serve the common good. That's why I don't want government to be run too much like business. Greedy, profit-making business. In which wealth tends to go into the hands of a relatively few. An ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. I want government to step in. To see that fairness prevails. That there's less selfishness in the world. It's all right for government to become the regulator. Capitalism tends to put the individual good ahead of the common good. Unfortunately, the typical capitalist focuses on accumulating individual wealth rather than collective wealth. Seems to me that the anti-government crowd, the so-called Tea Party element, wants government out of their lives. So that they can more easily accumulate individual monetary wealth. Which tends to be corrupting. I want the wealth to be spread to benefit society. Everyone. Not a few select individuals. To me, that's the essence of true spiritual religion. One cannot enter Paradise with pockets full of money. A pauper has a better chance than a monetarily rich man of getting it right. Yes, there are two kinds of richness. --Jim Broede

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