Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Better than to have never lived.

Ultimately, I will be no more. The same goes for you. Everybody on Mother Earth at the present moment will be gone. Replaced by other living beings. A totally different set. Maybe the only traces of us will be in history. In a book. And scientists/astronomers tell us that eventually our sun will die. Explode. Obliterating everything. Yes, no more history. Everything gone. Fortunately, I don't dwell on that. Because I've learned not to get ahead of myself. No desire to live in the future. Or the past, for that matter. Instead, I choose to embrace the moment. Now. And I happen to be in love. With someone. And with life. With every precious moment. That's all I have. And it's more than sufficient. I've learned to savor life. Everything. Even the bad things that I'd rather not savor. By shoving that stuff aside. Ignoring it. Focusing on beautiful and bountiful life. Yes, I've been blessed. With life. And even if it's only momentary, temporary, it's still a blessing. Better than to have never lived. --Jim Broede

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