Monday, April 23, 2012

Truly living the happy role.

I have friends and acquaintances who are routinely bothered by events in their lives. Because they take stuff too seriously. Therefore, they get upset. And angry. It's as if they've lost control. They over-react. Often, I encourage them to lighten up. To see the funny side. To learn to laugh. I set the example. By laughing at them. Which sometimes they find annoying. But I look at their stern faces. And I can't help but laugh. Anyway, I spend much of the day. Laughing. Smiling. Because I'm happy. So it's hard for me to understand why some people never seem happy. And it roils them when I'm happy. They occasionally accuse me of being a Pollyanna. Which I'm not. I merely prefer being happy. Beats all the other alternatives. Sometimes I suggest they fake happiness -- if that's what it takes to be happy. If nothing else, they learn to become actors. Playing a role. And maybe eventually they'll start to truly live the happy role. --Jim Broede

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