Saturday, April 21, 2012

Better to become detached.

I'm able to detach myself from events that occur around me. Thank gawd. Because if I didn't, I'd be driven crazy. I'd fret. And anguish. Yes, I've learned to put life in perspective. Recognizing that I can't control some things. Some events. I have to accept the fact that shit happens. I don't like it. For instance, it could be that an ultra conservative Republican becomes president some day. Or that there's a devastating earthquake. Or that a terrorist sets off a bomb. Or that a friend commits a despicable act. Thing is, there's nothing I can do about it. It's happened. And I've gotta live with it. Maybe wish it never happened. But I can't change it. Or pretend it never happened. But I'm able to detach myself. And get on with the rest of my life. Maybe without losing any sleep. That doesn't mean I'm indifferent. Only that I'm not gonna allow myself to get bent out of shape over it. I mention this because I have a friend. Losing sleep. And lamenting. Over a happenstance. An incident. Over which she had no control. My advice, of course, is to let it go. Better to become detached. --Jim Broede

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