Friday, April 27, 2012

I'm gonna be more attentive.

I'm really getting to know what's going on in my neighborhood. Maybe more than I want to know. Even about personal rifts between certain neighbors. Some neighbors won't even talk to each other. Because of disagreements. Animosities. I may have an occasional rift with a neighbor. But we always patch up our differences. And find ways to get along and be nice to each other. It's called mutual respect. I don't give anyone the silent treatment. I try to get along with everyone. Even wacky Republicans. And there are scores of 'em. By the way, I define my neighborhood as the half-mile radius around me. Goes well beyond next door. I walk or bicycle through the neighborhood virtually every day. And I listen for scuttlebut. Not gossip. But morsels of information. Curious tidbits. I'm gonna write about some neighborhood personalities and happenings. Which is something new. Because I've pretty much ignored the neighbors these past 40 years. Decided that ain't good. I'm gonna be more attentive. --Jim Broede

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