Friday, April 20, 2012

I'm in love. And living in Paradise.

I've lived in Paradise all my life. Without fully knowing it. Because I haven't been fully conscious. Merely going through life on automatic pilot. Maybe that's the way we are all born. The way we come into the world. As robots. Unthinking beings. And we have to learn what it's all about. By becoming conscious. By learning a language. By thinking. Reasoning. Evolving. Not sure yet where I am. But I suspect it's Paradise. Truly Paradise. Especially when aware that I'm in love. With virtually everything. With life itself. Occasionally, I can hardly believe that I'm an alive and conscious being. I have to remind myself. Otherwise, I forget. And go on automatic pilot once again. When I'm walking or riding my bicycle or driving my car or falling asleep or waking up, I try to become aware of my consciousness. And savor the idea that I actually exist. That I am. And that best of all, I'm in love. And living in Paradise. --Jim Broede

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