Saturday, April 28, 2012

In rapturous bliss. Called love.

I'm not so sure that god is masculine. Could be that he/she is a woman. And I should be addressing him/her as she. But then, maybe it really doesn't matter. And one should accept god as god. And who cares? Masculine or feminine. Or neither. It's no big deal. Gets to be confusing when one tries to define god. Maybe god can't be defined or truly understood by mere mortals. God could be beyond human comprehension. And it's silly to even try to fully grasp the concept. Maybe god is everything. Life itself. Consciousness. That could be it. If one is aware of being, of one's own existence, perhaps that makes one a piece of god. If not god, himself/herself. Anyway, I have a direct line to god only when I'm conscious. Able to think. And especially if I'm able to love. Someone. And to love the life force. I know people who get hung up over trivialities. They tell me that god deserves respect. And they accuse me of showing god utter disrespect. Because I don't capitalize the word god. But some of these same folks accept the notion that god is vengeful. And that god establishes asinine rules/edicts, and that if one disobeys god, one is condemned to hell. For eternity. Of course, to portray god that way is to show him/her as hateful. Anything but the god of love. I'm of the notion that god saves everyone. Even atheists. Even so-called evil-doers. I suspect that god is experimenting. Feeling his/her way. With creation. And that in the process, god has been overcome/overwhelmed in rapturous bliss. Called love. --Jim Broede

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