Saturday, April 28, 2012

God's masterpiece.

I have a network of friends. Mostly women friends. Sometimes, I suspect my only true friends are women. I don't connect so easily to men. I really haven't fully analyzed it. All I know is it's easier talking to women. Even my longtime doctor is a woman. Makes me feel much more comfortable than a man. I get more empathy. More understanding from a woman. Seems to me that women are much better at capturing the true nature/essence of life. Generally, they have a softer approach. Oh, not all women. Some have become too masculine. They wanna be men. Rather than themselves. Which, I suppose, is all right. To each her own. Funny thing. Sometimes I've been accused of being a woman hater. But that's by women that don't understand me. The ones that do (understand) know fully well that the truly feminine woman is god's best creation. His masterpiece. --Jim Broede

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