Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Makes me feel truly alive.

Every time I have a thought, I become a creator. Of that thought. And now I've found a way to record my thoughts. Into my collection. With the written word. Oh, maybe not written any more. Used to be with a pencil. Or a pen. Then a typewriter. Now on a computer. In a blog. Sometimes, I link into a thought from years ago. I would have totally forgotten the thought. But now I retrieve it. And it leads to another thought. I have become a being of endless and retrievable thoughts. I like that. Gives me a sense of accomplishing something thoughtful. Meaningful. I'm able to spend the whole day. Thinking. Maybe that's become my favorite pastime. My finest thoughts. What are they? Yes, thoughts of love. Love turns me on. I love to be a lover. Especially of life. That, more than anything, makes me happy. Makes me feel truly alive. --Jim Broede

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