Thursday, April 19, 2012

Son of a gun. So many 'sons.'

One of my neighbors is an Anderson. He lives a short walk away. On the lake. I didn't know his surname was Anderson until a few days ago. When I saw him picking up tree branches in his yard. Decided to stop and chat. Became better acquainted. Chances are there are other Andersons living nearby. Anderson is a very common name around here. Maybe the most common. The Scandinavian influence. Lots of Swedes and Norwegians immigrated to Minnesota in the 19th century. Maybe because the terrain is similar to their homelands. The neighboring town's name is Scandia. Anyway, Andersons are so common that it's difficult not to be related to one. My granddaughter has become an Anderson. By marriage. Now that I think of it, there's another name more common than Anderson -- Johnson. My daughter has become a Johnson. Again, by marriage. Suppose she could just as easily have become a Swenson or a Peterson or a Nelson. --Jim Broede

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