Thursday, April 12, 2012

Welcome to our domain, Sherman.

Don't know when I first noticed Sherman's arrival in the neighborhood. Certainly wasn't five years ago, when he first arrived. Guess it's because I'm aloof. I walk through the neighborhood daily. My mind occupied with thoughts. And I don't particularly notice people. But I suspect my neighbors do. Especially when it comes to Sherman. Because he's black. But I'm colorblind. To me, everybody is pretty much the same color. As far as I know, Sherman is the only black in the neighborhood. Which makes him sort of different. I wish there were more blacks. Because they make me feel comfortable. They tend to be liberal. Like me. I'm sure that Sherman voted for Obama. So did I. There weren't many votes in the neighborhood for Obama. Perhaps because he's black. My neighborhood is dominated by ultra conservative Republicans. Which is all right. They have a right to be whatever they wanna be. Just as I do. Anyway, I told Sherman the other day that I'm welcoming him to the neighborhood. Better late than never. That also goes for Sherman's wife, Pam, and his tan cocker spaniel, Zoe. --Jim Broede

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