Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A full-fledged mental disorder.

Listened to a radio talk show today. And the topic was about grieving. And the fact that psychiatrists are starting to call grieving a 'disorder.' But the talk show host claims that's silly. That grieving is a natural thing. And that everyone grieves in his/her own way. But I'm of a mind that some people grieve far too long. And grieving then becomes a mental disorder. And it should be treated. One way or another. With talk therapy or drugs or a combination of the two. I know people that seem to never get over their grieving. They've become mentally sick with grief. A man called in. He was still grieving over his daughter's suicide 24 years ago. Still cries over it. Sounded like he could use psychotherapy. So that he learns to let go of his grief. Seems to me it's become more than grief. A full-fledged mental disorder. --Jim Broede

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