Friday, May 11, 2012

Maybe I made the right choices.

Eternal recurrrence. Maybe there is such a thing. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche advanced the concept. That we live our lives over and over and over again. Or that maybe we should assume we do. And therefore, we should live life in a way that we wouldn't mind living exactly the same life again. For eternity. In other words, try to live a truly fulfilling and personally gratifying life. The kind of life we really wish to live. Anyway, the thought of eternal recurrence came to me tonight. And it has at other times, too. When I have a feeling of deja vu. That I've just lived this moment, this particular experience, before. That I know what's coming. Even before it happens. Gives me a sense of getting ahead of myself. Living in my future before it happens. Yes, I momentarily get ahead of myself. Instead of living in the now, I'm getting a sneak preview of my future. I anticipate an outcome. With certainty. There's no stopping it. No altering it. Because it already occurred. It's like watching the same movie. Over and over again. One anticipates the words. The action. The event. The outcome. Before one sees the scene on the screen. I'm living in my own story. Very much like in a novel. And it's gonna unfold the same way. All the time. Every time. Everything is predetermined. I'm not sure if I like such a reality. But if my life is a re-run -- an eternal recurrence -- maybe I made the right choices the first time around. I hope so. --Jim Broede

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