Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Not in Sparta.

I know so very many Spartans. People who deny themselves the finer things in life. Such as happiness. Instead, they scrimp. They keep their noses to the proverbial grindstone. Even deny themselves vacations. It's almost as if they flagelate themselves. As if they deserve to be punished. But occasionally, I convince 'em to become Athenians. And I marvel at the breakthrough. They take vacations. They go to concerts and plays. And they read books. They fall in love. With the finer things in life. They learn to make their work play. Pure pleasure. Before it's too late. Yes, life was meant to be savored. Not occasionally. But daily. Fully. One day at a time. And it's best lived in Athens. Paradise. Not in Sparta. Hell. --Jim Broede

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