Monday, May 21, 2012

Over the right wing cliff.

Making profits. That's supposed to be good. And the credo of capitalism. But seems to me that the morally right thing is to reduce profits. In order to benefit humankind. And society as a whole. Yes, to serve the common good. Capitalists all over the world are making big profits for their companies. But in the process, they are exploiting people. Laying off workers. And often paying extremely low wages. And polluting the environment. Along the way, the corporate bosses become millionaires and billionaires. And the gap continues to widen between the rich and the poor. Conservatives and Republicans pretty much want to keep things the way they are. But President Obama and left-leaning Democrats prefer change. More socialism and less profit. It's gonna be a tough fight. Politically. Because the big-money interests keep pouring money into the political campaigns. Supporting conservatives and Republican causes. It's gonna be tough for advocates of the common good to carry the day. I'm worried. After all, people tend to be gullible. Many of 'em believe lies and distortions in political campaign ads. Yes, so many, many Americans are downright stupid. When it comes to politics, they believe the idiotic sound bites. They follow the pied pipers. Over the right wing cliff. --Jim Broede

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