Monday, May 21, 2012

My Cubs: Losing in positive ways.

I wonder why it's so important to win. A baseball game, for instance. After all, it's only a game. Not a life and death struggle. I'm trying to get used to losing. Making it no big deal. Because I'm a Chicago Cubs fan. I'd like the Cubs to win. And to win the World Series. But in the grand scheme of life, a baseball game is merely a baseball game. So many more important things. But still, I wish for the Cubs to win. And I get disappointed if they don't. Which is silly. Actually, losing can be just as elating and rewarding as winning. If one thinks of losing in a positive way. As record-setting. For instance, the Cubs have lost 7 straight games. In startling ways. The Cubs haven't even held a lead in a ball game over the last 50 innings. And they are on pace to lose 104 games this season. Which would be just as remarkable as winning 104 games. Because losing requires historic bumbling. Ineptness that almost borders on skillful ineptness. Anyway, I wake up each day. Ready to plug into the Cubs game. Wondering what new and original way the Cubs will find to lose another game. And sure enough, they almost always find a unique and innovative way. --Jim Broede

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