Thursday, May 17, 2012

On getting to know Ed.

I have a new friend. Ed Hinrichs and I have lived in the same neighborhood. Since 1969. But we never really got to know each other until several weeks ago. When I made the effort. To become better acquainted with my neighbors. I had seen Ed many times. But had never really bothered to get to know him. I suspected that he had become the oldest guy in the neighborhood. And sure enough, he is. Ed will turn 90 next week. That makes him 14 years older than me. So Ed helps me feel young. Relatively speaking. Ed tells me that growing old isn't a blessing. That it has it's drawbacks. For instance, Ed doesn't walk any more. He rides what he calls a scooter. With an electric motor. And he gave up his lifelong hobby of woodcarving a year ago. And he's barely able to read because of deteriorating eyesight. But Ed still functions well. Maybe that's his biggest blessing. My blessing, too. Because I have the opportunity to converse with Ed. About lots of things. His life. My life. Ed knows that he's slowed down. Physically. Mentally. But he's still upbeat. Aware that he's had a good life. Ed's wife died in 1994. But he's got three living daughters and eight grandchildren and a flock of great grandchildren. And he's got an endless array of fond memories. He's always enjoyed life. That makes Ed a good mentor. For the likes of me. Because I wanna age gracefully. And that's what Ed teaches me. I'm also gonna try to mentor Ed. By helping to keep his mind active. And letting him know that he has a new-found young friend. Me. --Jim Broede

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