Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wondering if I'm vain.

The other day, I was accused of being vain. I use the word 'accused' maybe because it was meant in a negative way. Implying vain as negative. Not a good trait. But maybe it was meant mostly in a joking manner. Positively. Maybe I really am vain. After all, I wanna look good. Svelte. Well-groomed. Well-dressed. Well-mannered. Ain't all that concerned over what people think. If I'm judged as bad. I'm not overwrought. Unless it's a close friend. Then I'd be concerned. Enough to clear up the issue. To make things right. So I look better. Anyway, I'm opinionated. A jokester, too. Such actions may alienate some people. But once again, I'm not overly disturbed about it. Though I'd rather that others have a good and favorable impression. Doesn't necessarily make me vain, does it? --Jim Broede

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