Tuesday, May 29, 2012

God help us.

It'd be nice if politicians learned to be nice to each other. Showing mutual respect. Acting like gentlemen. Republicans lauding Democrats. And Democrats praising Republicans. As decent people. Disagreeing only on issues. In polite ways. And trying to reach compromise. Meeting each other half-way. Of course, that won't happen. Because it's not enough for politicians to merely disagree. They have to castigate and ridicule their opponents. Question their veracity. Even their patriotism. And their moral fiber. Used to be, decades ago, that Republicans and Democrats socialized with each other. Got to know each other personally. Now they literally hate each other. And the thing is, most of 'em say they have something in common. Their Christianity. But apparently politics come first. Rather than being a true believer, a true Christian. Or maybe they think their political activity is a reflection of their Christian values. If so, god help us. --Jim Broede

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