Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to annoy my stupid friends.

I'm able to accept stupid friends. But some friends ultimately can't accept me. Because I'm stupid. They insist that I not be stupid. But the thing is, I can't help myself. I'm naturally stupid. It's part of my genes. My physical and mental make-up. Stupid is stupid is stupid. And I accept being stupid. But some friends can't accept stupidity. Not only in me. But in themselves. They actually pretend that they aren't stupid. When really, they are just as stupid as me, if not even more stupid. They don't like the fact that I'm brash enough to point to their stupidity. Publicly. Right here in my blog. Even when I don't identify them by name, they still take offense. That I would call them stupid. Friends aren't supposed to do that, they tell me. But I gotta be honest with my friends. Some of 'em are downright stupid. And they'll always be that way. But that's not reason enough to write 'em off as friends. I've grown to like some stupid people. Enough to call them friends. I don't write them off. Even if they write me off. I accept them unconditionally. Even if they are 10 times more stupid than me. Makes me wonder if that makes me smart stupid. Certainly it makes me tolerant stupid. Or open-minded stupid. Possibly, I'm good stupid. And my friends are bad stupid. I suppose that will annoy some of my stupid friends. --Jim Broede

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