Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In love, even when I'm tired.

I hardly ever allow myself to have a completely lazy and lethargic day. Because that makes me unhappy. And I know it. And I wanna be happy. So even if I feel lazy and lethargic, I venture out. And exercise. Physically. Mentally. Maybe I do the exercising at a slower than usual pace. But I still hop on my bicycle and ride 30 miles. Or walk 10 miles. Slower. And I take more time to ponder less thoughts. Gives me a sense that I'm salvaging something from the day. I can't tell when I last had a completely lazy and lethargic day. Long, long ago. I confess that I'm tired some days. Physically. Mentally. But that's not a valid excuse to take the day off. Only to slow down. I was put on Mother Earth to savor every day. And to be in love. With life. Even when I'm tired. --Jim Broede

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