Thursday, June 14, 2012

Living is so much better.

I see my life as a continuous unfolding story. Likening it at times to living in a novel. A new chapter virtually every day. Not always knowing what a turn of the next page will bring. Occasionally, a new character enters. Or it's an old character with a new twist. I'm on a voyage of discovery. Of my own little niche. Of the world in general, too. A vast world. And I'm often wondering out of curiosity what lies beyond the horizon. Imagining being a modern-day Christopher Columbus. Noticing things that maybe were always there. But I hadn't consciously observed before. I'm more aware. More conscious of the world that I was born into. And I'm making a living story of it. Oh, so much better than writing a novel. Living is so much better. --Jim Broede

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