Sunday, June 24, 2012

Living my dream.

I recommend becoming a romantic idealist. Which essentially means making one's dreams come true. In truly believing in something. In a romantic way. Beyond any doubt. That's how one learns to walk on water. Literally. If one has an iota of doubt, forget it. The goal won't be accomplished. One has to fully believe in the impossible. That's a lovely thought, isn't it? To believe in the impossible. The fact that I'm an alive and conscious being capable of falling in love -- that's gotta be impossible. But here I am. Because I believe. I am. Otherwise, I wouldn't be. I exist. What can be more miraculous than that? My existence is even more miraculous than a feat such as walking on water. And not only do I exist, but I am in love. I have a true love. An Italian. And she lives in Paradise. And that's where I go for half of the year. To Paradise. To reside with my true love. To live my dream. And that makes me a romantic idealist. --Jim Broede

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