Monday, June 25, 2012

Extraordinary and magnificent.

Long, long ago one didn't know much about what was happening in the rest of the world. And that may have been a good thing. One was isolated. Living in one locale. Pretty much all one's life. Never venturing very far. Wasn't unusual to hardly travel at all. One's world was very small. I could have made the best of it. Now maybe I know too much. About world events and calamities. Over which I have no, or very little control. But still, knowledge can be bothersome. If one lets it be. But back centuries ago, I'd not know or maybe even care about the happenings elsewhere. Because my world would have been small and isolated. More so than now. But even today, I suspect my world is very, very small and very, very isolated. So much that I don't know. About what lies beyond Mother Earth. Far, far into the cosmos. Into other dimensions. Such as the spirit world. But still, I have a sense of it. Something extraordinary and magnificent. --Jim Broede

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