Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The matter of friendly mistakes.

I poke fun at certain friends. The ones with attitudinal problems. Poking fun. That's better than chastising 'em. I try to get 'em to laugh. Yes, to see themselves in funny ways. Of course, those with bad attitudes may not appreciate humor. But hey, they gotta learn. If one plods through life without a sense of humor, there's gonna be far too many bad times. I have friends that take themselves too seriously. We all do it. At least occasionally. But virtually every day? That ain't good. It's easy identifying my best friends. We put each other at ease. We come close to unconditional acceptance. Maybe I have only one best friend. My Italian true love. She's in a category all her own. Exceptional. Extraordinary. Exquisite. For a while, I thought maybe I had only one friend. That everybody else was an acquaintance. But that's not true. I have multiple friends. Everything from close friends to casual friends. I'm more dedicated to some of my friends than they are (dedicated/committed) to me. Which is all right. I don't put demands on my friends. Though it may sound like I do. By being critical. Which really is only honesty. If I'm dishonest with a 'friend,' maybe he/she really ain't a friend. Thing with me. I'm in a state of flux. I'm continually evolving. Changing. I'm not static. That goes for most of my friends. Guess it's that I'm attracted to people with open minds. Always seeking to learn. To become enlightened. And another thing. My good friends ain't afraid to make mistakes. That's how they learn. They also allow me to make mistakes. --Jim Broede

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