Saturday, June 2, 2012

My cup runneth over.

I pull for political outcomes pretty much the same way that I root for the Chicago Cubs. Knowing full well that rarely do outcomes go the way I want 'em to go. I'm attached and drawn to political and baseball losers. Used to be that I allowed myself to be disappointed. I lamented over losses. But I began to understand there was nothing I could do to change outcomes. I had to learn to live with life's so-called pitfalls. Setbacks. Because I wasn't god. Anyway, I've learned to take it all in stride. To control what I can control. My attitude. Which is to make the best of bad situations. And to focus on the good situations. Such as falling in love. With someone. And with life. Of course, I still complain. Over politics and Cubs baseball games and several other matters. Because complaining makes me feel good. Gives me great satisfaction. To be able to complain. Just for the hell of it. In the grand scheme of things, I know that life is good. Particularly, my life. I have been blessed. Maybe I have no valid reason to complain. About anything. Because I am alive. And conscious. And happy. Yes, my cup runneth over. Can't ask for much more than that. --Jim Broede

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