Saturday, June 9, 2012

My just deserts.

Maybe I stay out of the doldrums for the wrong reason. Just to spite people in the doldrums. To show 'em that one can be happy. Of course, that makes 'em pissed. Jealous. That I'm able to be happy. When they're in the doldrums. Misery often loves company. The unhappy prefer being with other even more miserable people. Because that often makes them feel a little less miserable. But when I happen along in my exuberant, happy-go-lucky manner, they feel even more miserable. They wish that I would go away. And leave them alone. Don't worry, be happy, I tell them. There's a song to that effect. By Bobby McFerrin. I've been known to play McFerrin's rendition in the presence of miserably unhappy people. It's as if I'm taunting these people. But really, it's the therapy they need. If they get mad/angry, it might give them an opportunity to release their unhappiness in a gush. By giving me a swift kick in the ass. Yes, a release of stored-up venom. A cleansing of the mind and soul. A way out of their doldrums. By giving me my just deserts. --Jim Broede

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