Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A scary possibility.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama is to blame for the sour economy. For the high unemployment rate. For the budget deficit. For just about everything that's wrong with the USA. But I personally tend to spread the blame. Republicans are as much to blame as Democrats. The economy started going bad under a Republican administration. Yes, during eight years of George Bush. And when it comes to solutions, the Republican-controlled Congress could take charge and initiate solutions. Instead, Republicans merely sit on their hands and fat asses and block virtually anything that Obama proposes. When it comes to solving problems, a do-nothing Republican Congress ain't doing the job. But I take solace. The economy is getting a little bit better. Despite the Republicans. Because Obama's administration is moving us in the right direction. Fixing what Republicans broke. But it's gonna take more than four years. Took a lot longer to get us into this Republican-induced debacle. With costly wars and deregulation of the financial sector and irresponsible greedy capitalism. And then there's the irony of it all. Mitt Romney wants a return to the same policies that got us into this horrid mess. But there's something even more scary. The possibility that Romney wins and America loses. --Jim Broede

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